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World Book Week!

Here is a letter sent out by Miss Willcock today: 


Dear Parents/Carers and Children,


Virtual Book Week

The theme of the upcoming World Book Day on Thursday 4th March is ‘share a story’ and in the spirit of this we have decided to celebrate with a virtual whole school World Book Week, which we have worked hard to make an exciting last week of remote learning before you return to school.

From Monday, there will be a ‘World Book Week’ section on our school website, where you will find a daily video from your class teacher reading a special book and explaining activities for the day. We are lucky to have corresponded with the author and illustrator of the book so keep an eye for two exciting videos from them too.

Thank you for all of your support with home learning so far.  It would be great to see you all taking part in our World Book Week activities and we look forward to receiving all of your amazing work that will go towards a whole school display. Please bring this work with you when you return to school on March 8th so that it can be quarantined before being put on display.

Many thanks for your support and good luck!

Yours sincerely,


Miss Willcock