WOW! What an exciting week we have had…
We could not believe our eyes… Santa has been into our Nursery and we caught him on camera in our story area. He left letters with our names on and they were replies to the letters that we had posted to him. What a magical experience seeing the excitement in the children’s faces.
I am super proud of ours amazing Nursery children for their performance. They were all superstars!
Thank you very much to all that attended our Christmas crafts, it was a lovely morning.
The children have enjoyed exploring all things Christmas this week in Nursery. A favourite area at the moment is our Santa’s workshop! We have also shown some fantastic Teamwork Tiger skills.
The children thoroughly enjoyed their Christmas dinner yesterday… mmmmm!
We have also been reading and learning about the story Stickman. We made our very own Stickman!
On Monday, we have our Christmas party. Children can come to school in party clothes.
1 more week to go!
As always, thank you for your continued support,
Mrs Cook
A little visitor arrived to our class this week… our Nursery elf called Snowflake has been causing mischief in our classroom. He has been drawing on bananas, putting underpants on our Christmas tree and climbing onto our ceiling. I wonder what he will get up to next week…
We started our week with the pantomime of Jack and the Beanstalk. What a fantastic time we had!
Our story of the week is Squirrel’s Snowman, our shape of the week is a rectangle, our colour of the week is purple and our sound of the week is a. We have also been focusing on repeating patterns!
We have thoroughly enjoyed exploring in our Nursery with the different Christmas activities. One of our favourites was making our own snowman with the letters from our name.
We were very lucky to have Mr Bailey in Nursery on Friday doing lots of exciting Christmas activities on the computers, iPads and using special headphones, it was so much fun!
This Thursday 12th December, we have our Nursery Stay and Play- Christmas Crafts from 10am-11am. We will begin by performing (in the school hall) the Christmas songs that we have been learning and then we will make some Christmas crafts in Nursery. If you are attending our Stay and Play on Thursday could you come into school via the main office and then into the hall.
Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs Cook
Well… We have been getting into the Christmas spirit this week in Nursery. We decorated our Christmas tree and even made our own baubles to hang on the tree. Our small world area has transformed into a Christmas/ winter theme and we also have Santa’s workshop where we have been sorting presents and post. We made our list for Santa and posted it in the big post box! We also followed step by step instructions to make salt dough decorations.
Our story this week is Postman Bear and we have been doing lots of different activities including painting, drawing, making letters, making postcards and sorting Bears letters. We also wrote our name on a postcard to send to Bear. I am super impressed with the children for trying very hard with their name writing.
Our shape of the week is a rectangle, our colour of the week is green, our number of the week is 2 and our sound of the week is ‘o’. The children have been doing some brilliant Fred Talk!
The children have thoroughly enjoyed exploring in the different areas of Nursery. We have been doing lots of fine motor activities to help strengthen the muscles in our hands and fingers.
We had the amazing opportunity to meet and work with the poet Andy Tooze on Tuesday. What a great time we had listening and learning some of Andy’s poems!
Keep up the super work Nursery.
Another wonderful week!
We have had another fantastic week in nursery… what busy bees we have been!
Our topic for this half term is celebrations. This week we have been focusing on birthdays, and what an exciting week it has been. We had great fun playing party games, our favourite was musical chairs. Our home corner transformed into a birthday tea party! We also did lots of other activities in nursery such as whisking shaving foam and scooping it into cases to make pretend cakes, we made birthday hats, streamers, invitations, balloons, birthday play dough and much more. Our favourite activity was making biscuits. The children had a choice of either a heart shaped biscuit, a cupcake shaped biscuit or a circle shaped biscuit. They followed a recipe and did each step. They were delicious!
Our story this week is Maisie’s Surprise Birthday Party. Our colour of the week is yellow, our shape is a square and we have been leaning all about the number 2. Our sound of the week is c. We have also been learning how to Fred Talk. Fred is a frog and he can only say the sounds in a word and needs your child to help him read the word. Fred will say the sounds and children will work out the word. For example, Fred will say the sounds c–a–t, and children will say the word cat. This is Fred Talk: sounding out the word.
We have been developing our ICT skills by drawing a picture of ourselves and attempting to write our names.
We have also been learning our Christmas songs ready for the nursery stay and play on Thursday 12th December at 10am.
Keep up the super work Nursery!
Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs Cook
We have had another busy and exciting week in Nursery!
This week our focus has been all about Diwali the Festival of Lights. The children made their own Diya lamps out of clay. They rolled the clay into a ball then manipulated it to become a lamp. The children then painted their Diya lamp. We have also been drawing, painting and using different sensory items to make Rangoli patterns. We also made our own Mehndi hand artwork.
Our colour of the week is blue, our shape of the week is a triangle and we have also continued our learning about the number 1. We had a fantastic day celebrating number/ rockstar day. What super rockstars we had in Nursery!
We are having a big focus on name writing in Nursery and forming our letters correctly, starting in the correct place and using rhymes to help us form each letter. It would be great if you could do this at home with your child, using their name mats.
We had a special visitor… Pudsey Bear came to our school and the children were so excited.
Another super week Nursery!
Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs Cook
We have had a super busy first week back in nursery after the holidays. We started the week learning all about Bonfire Night. We read the story Sparks in the Sky and did lots of exciting activities. We made breadstick sparklers, explored with the watercolours to make firework pictures, we matched the shapes to make rockets, we used the chalk outside to make firework patterns, we used our fine motor skills to trace patterns in the sand, we made a pretend bonfire and used our fine motor skills to squirt the paint to make firework pictures.
We have also been learning about Remembrance Day. We did an observational painting of a poppy, we used loose parts to design a poppy and we did lots of different activities in our play including making poppies out of play dough and finding the poppies in the sand, rice, seeds and glitter.
In maths this half term we are recapping shapes and colours. Our shape of the week is a circle and our colour of the week is red. We have also been focusing on number 1. We identified the number 1 in a variety of different ways including subitising, numicon, dice, natural materials, we showed number 1 on our fingers and we also traced the number 1.
A fantastic week nursery, well done!
We have had a super busy and fun filled week in nursery. The children have thoroughly enjoyed all of our Halloween activities. We have been pumpkin carving, hammering pegs into pumpkins, our water tray had lots of Halloween items in, we did some Halloween yoga, made a spooky Halloween potion, spider races and so much more! Each day we have been reading a different Halloween story. The witch from the story Room on the Broom visited our classroom. It was so much fun!
Our maths focus this week has been repeating patterns and we have also been sorting objects.
We enjoyed exploring the concept of floating and sinking in our water tray. We have also been having conker rolling races with the guttering.
Mr Bailey spent the day with us in nursery. The children investigated a wide range of different robots and have started to develop their skills in creating algorithms. One of their favourite robots was the fantastic ‘Glow and Go Bot’ from TTSResources.
A big thank you for attending our Harvest stay and play. I hope you enjoyed your afternoon exploring in our nursery environment and taking part in the different craft activities.
What a wonderful first half term we have had in nursery. I am so proud of the children for how amazing they have been! We have another very exciting half term planned when we return.
Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs Cook
We have been busy bees in nursery this week!
In maths, our colour of the week is orange, our maths song of the week is 5 Little Leaves and we have been focusing on the different 2D shapes. We have also been exploring repeating patterns and sorting objects.
We have had a big focus on autumn this week! We went on a walk around our school grounds to explore signs of autumn and we have had so much fun in our wildlife garden, den building. The children had fun collecting leaves using the sweeping brushes and engaging in lots of different autumn activities in nursery. We have read different autumn stories including We’re Going on a Leaf Hunt and Leaf Man. Thank you for returning the autumn bags. We have had a great time exploring the autumn treasures and talking to our friends about our experiences!
Our squiggle me into wiggle movement this week is circles. We did big and small circles with the scarves both indoors and on our stage outside. The children also made circle movements in the tuff spot with the bubble bath soap!
The children have been using their independent skills to put autumn clothing on. We will be going to the wildlife garden a lot so it would be great if your child could practice putting their waterproofs, coats, wellies, shoes etc on at home!
Next Thursday (24th October) we have our nursery harvest stay and play 2pm-3pm where you can take part in different activities with your child!
Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs Cook
What a brilliantly busy week we have had in nursery this week!
In maths, our colour of the week is purple, our number song of the week is 5 Little Monkeys and we have been continuing to learn and recognise circles, triangles, squares and rectangles in our classroom. We have also been sorting big and small objects.
Our story of the week is Rabbit’s Nap by Julia Donaldson. Julia Donaldson is our nursery class hero! We have been taking about pets and the importance of caring for animals. The nursery children have been fantastic at role play vets! We matched baby animals to their adult animal.
On the creative table, we have been mixing colours and independently washing the paint pots and brushes afterwards!
Our Zones of Regulation feeling this week is angry. We talked about what makes us feel angry and how we can feel happy again.
To help with our fine motor skills, we have been threading hoops onto spaghetti. We have also been making bird feeders.
The children have had an amazing time exploring in our wildlife garden. We got our waterproofs and wellies on and had so much fun exploring. A big thank you to Mr Goodall for tidying up the wildlife garden for us. It looks brilliant!
In the rice, we have been doing up and down movements!
Yesterday, we celebrated Odd Shoes Day!
Another fabulous week nursery, well done!
What a busy and fantastic week nursery have had!
In maths, our colour of the week is green, our shape of the week is a rectangle and our song of the week is 5 currant buns. The children enjoyed making their own currant buns out of play dough. We also sorted different objects into the correct colours.
This week, we have been talking about the importance of keeping healthy and brushing our teeth. We used toothbrushes to brush the marks off the teeth so they were clean again! We also explored with the big teeth!
In PE, we have been using our gross motor skills to balance on the beams. The children showed fantastic balancing skills.
We have also been using our fine motor skills to trace over our name cards!
Well done nursery, another fabulous week!
We have had a super week in nursery! The children have settled into our routines and we are continuing to learn the rules. This week we have enjoyed building obstacle courses with our friends using fantastic team work and balancing skills.
In maths, our colour of the week is yellow, our shape of the week is a square and our maths song of the week is 5 little speckled frogs. The children enjoyed playing with the frogs on the log in the tuff tray and in the water.
The children had great fun using 2D shapes and paint to print. We have also been learning about big and small. The children created some fantastic big and small towers using different resources.
Our emotion that we are focusing on this week from our Zones of Regulation board is sad. We talked about what makes us feel sad and how we can make ourselves and our friends happy again!
We also enjoyed reading stories in our school library.
Keep up the good work nursery!
In maths, our colour of the week is blue, our shape of the week is a triangle and our song of the week is 5 Little Ducks. We have also been sorting and matching 2D shapes. The children have enjoyed exploring with the different musical instruments as well as playing inside and outside with their friends. We have also been focusing on UP movements in the tuff tray.
Well done Nursery for a fantastic week!
Well done Nursery!