We have places available across school, including Nursery. Please contact us on 01670 860769

School Admissions

Ellington is thriving primary school which serves the area of Ellington and Cresswell. We are a popular school also attracting families from outside our immediate catchment area. We welcome families who are considering applying for a place at Ellington to make an appointment to visit our school. Appointments can be made through the school office on 01670 860769. All parents wishing to request a place at Ellington Primary School, whether they are inside or outside the catchment area served by the school, must complete an Application Form electronically using the county council’s online facility.

If you need to contact the School Admissions team at Northumberland County, please do so by email to schooladmissions@northumberland.gov.uk. 


We have a lively and friendly nursery on site and currently we offer three intakes per year; Autumn term (September), Spring term (January) & Summer Term (April). Places are available to children in the term following their 3rd birthday. We offer 15 hour (AM or PM) or 30 hour placements. If you would like your child to be considered for a place in our nursery, please contact the school office for a registration form and further information. Alternatively you can download a copy from this page and return to school in person or via email to admin@ellington.northumberland.sch.uk  



Applications for academic year 2024/25 will open in November 2023. Children who attend our nursery setting are not guaranteed a place in our reception class. It is the responsibility of parents/carers to apply for a reception place online through Northumberland County Council. Further information can be found here


Secondary School

Children from Ellington Primary School will transfer to a secondary school at the age of 11. It is the responsibility of Parents/Carers of Year 6 children to apply for a place at a secondary school. Applications are to be completed online through Northumberland County Council, further information can be found here. Applications for academic year 2024/25 will open in September 2023.


Moving Schools (In-Year Transfer)

Families moving to the area or wishing to be considered for a place at Ellington Primary must apply online through Northumberland County Council, further information can be found here. We currently have places available throughout school, including nursery.