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Spring 2023

Year 5 News 24.03.23

Ellington had a wonderful day celebrating Red Nose Day where our non-uniform day raised money for Comic Relief. A huge thank you to Mrs Sanders and our wonderful school council for organising our activities. Year 5 had THE BEST time playing Human Board Games! Can you guess our games?

In English this week, we have completed our narrative of the animation ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’. The children have been writing from different character’s perspectives, therefore writing in first person, in past tense and trying their best to include our year 5 grammar targets throughout our work.

In maths, we have been focusing on adding and subtractions fractions where they are displayed as improper fractions and mixed numbers. On TTRS, we thrive on our battles with year 4 where the competition for top spot is always a close call!

The children have been learning about the Geocentric and Heliocentric model and how the minds of the greatest Scientists were so different. We are enjoying our Earth & Space topic and the children are retaining excellent information and fun facts about our universe.

During our History topic of Tudor Britain, we explored the six wives of Henry VIII where King Henry was marrying for the purpose of receiving a son. The song, “Divorced, Beheaded, Died, Divorced, Beheaded, Survived,” has helped us remember information about each woman. Most recently, we created a non-chronological report about Tudor Food & Drink. Did you know that only King Henry was allowed to use a fork during meal times?

The children all did extremely well in their NFER tests and should be very proud of themselves!

Have a great Easter everyone.

Mr Todd

Year 5 News 10.03.23

We have enjoyed our busy beginning to the Spring 2 term.

The children all looked amazing in their costumes for World Book Day. A fabulous effort was made by everyone and we had a great time in school where we completed a variety of engaging activities. We began the day by exploring our class poet, Matthew Goodfellow, where we also read his famous poem ‘The Frustrated Magician’. The children learn the poem in small groups before performing it with actions and great expression to the rest of the class. We enjoyed our reading time in the library and also discussing our favourite book where each child created their own book review.

In English, our new writing stimulus is the animation video of Rock, Paper Scissors. We have been writing about each of the characters, describing the settings and planning our extended writing piece where we will be narrating the story from different perspectives.

In maths, we are diving deeper into fractions. So far, we have been converting between mixed numbers and improper fractions, ordering fractions and comparing fractions less than and more than one whole. Year 5 have been practising our times tables as we know the importance of our knowing our tables to helps us with maths.

Earth & Space is our new science topic this half term and the children have been debating if the earth is flat or spherical by using evidence to support our beliefs. This week we have been naming the planets in our solar system and writing some interesting key facts about each planet.

In History this half term we are exploring the life of Tudor Britain. The children created a timeline to understand the Tudor Dynasty and where it was allocated on our British History timeline. We recently focused on King Henry VIII where we used primary and secondary sources to decide if he was a tyrant or a fair ruler.

Keep up the hard work everyone!

Mr Todd


Year 5 News 17.02.23

It has been another really busy week in year 5!

In English, the children thoroughly enjoyed time travelling back to the events of 17th March 1944 where the famous Mount Vesuvius erupted. We each wrote a diary entry where we described the devastation cause by the volcanic explosion in the small town of Pompeii.

In maths, we have been working really hard on our multiplication and division knowledge. More specifically, we have been focusing on multiples and common factors. The children have been competing really well on Times Tables Rockstars where as a cohort, we ensure year 5 win our battles!  

What a fun week of science that we’ve had. We designed an experiment to test how the size of surface area impacted on the air resistance. The children made four different sized parachutes and then timing how long each on took to fall from the same height. With their excellent understanding of experiments and fair testing, the children were independently able to construct their experiment and it was a huge success! We then used scientific vocabulary to conclude that the bigger the surface area of the parachute, the longer it took to fall.

It was Mental Health Week last week and we learnt all about this in our PSHE lessons. We discussed the importance of our mental health and what we can do if we are ever having troublesome thoughts. We enjoyed playing some games to find out more about each other as individuals and keeping ourselves in a positive mindsight.

Have an amazing half term break everyone!

Mr Todd

Year 5 News 03.02.23

It’s been an immensely busy half term and the children have been working incredibly hard which has resulted in a very productive beginning to our spring term.

In English, we thoroughly enjoyed getting into character as a WW1 soldier where we explored informality when writing a letter home to loved one. Recently, we have been looking at the 1944 volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in which we will build up to writing a diary recount of events. The children have been creating expanding noun phrases, metaphors and similes in order to improve our descriptive writing.

In maths, we have been focusing on the area and perimeter of shapes. The children worked really well during this unit of work where they progressed from counting squares, using the formula of L x W, finding the missing lengths to eventually solving worded problems.

Our geography topic this half term is climate change and pollution. We have been learning about the world’s biomes, variation of climates and how greenhouse gases are causing global warming. This week we focused on our key question; how clean is our local area? This involved the children using cross curricular links with maths where we measured the area of the school’s carpark, playground, MUGA and grass field. We then counted the amount of litter in each area per meter squared and the children cleverly drew up their own conclusions.

In science, the children have been demonstrating their knowledge of forces which have explored prior to year 5. We have progressed further where we have been linking our topic with the relative scientists and exploring the affects of air resistance. Our upcoming experiment will involve the children making parachutes of various sizes and measuring how the surface area affects the air resistance.  

Another excellent week in year 5, keep up the hard work everyone!

Mr Todd