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Spring 2024

8-26th January 
The past two weeks in Nursery have been interesting! The children were shocked when they walked in and saw that the police had been! They had left clues for the children to investigate. The children used their magnifying glasses and clipboards to find some important clues. We worked out that baby bear's bowl had been thrown across the floor by sizing it up against the other bowls. We spotted a broken chair and some porridge oats and we concluded that Goldilocks had been to Ellington Primary School! The next day further clues arrived and the children were very excited to spot where in Ellington Goldilocks had been! The children talked enthusiastically and decided that she must've been looking for more porridge as she went to the shops and the pub. 
Goldilocks was then apprehended by the police and she left us a message asking us to help build a chair for baby bear and Nursery got to work using the different construction sets around the classroom. 
Nursery were super problem solvers! 
Well done!
29th Jan - 8th Feb
Nursery have had an exciting fortnight at school! Our key story has been 'We're going on a bear hunt' and the children loved all of the different activities on offer! We had to use positional language to describe where the bear was as well as going on our very own Bear Hunt! 
We went through the swishy swashy grass, through the deep, cold river, through the squelchy mud, into the deep, dark forest, past the howling snow storm and into a gloomy cave. We found a .... bear! 
The children loved acting out our story so much so they wanted to go on another bear hunt later on! 
This week, we've been talking about our feelings for children's mental health week. We talked about how we might be feeling, which zone we might be in and how to get back to 'green'. The children have been really sensible when discussing this and they've been very caring towards their friends. 
Well done Nursery!
26th Feb - 14th March 
The last two weeks in Nursery, we have been learning all about growing and planting. We've observed a bean growing and looked at what part grew first. We could say that the plant needed water, sunshine and soil to grow. The children suggested a better place, the window sill,  for a plant that wasn't growing, using their knowledge. 
The children have enjoyed listening to our growing stories such as Jasper's beanstalk and Jack and the Beanstalk and used lots of story language within our play. 
This week, we have been looking at how sunflowers grow and we have challenged the children to see 'who can grow the tallest Sunflower?' We have planted the sunflowers and are beginning to watch them grow before they are sent home to continue the challenge. 
We have also taken part in World Book Day! The children looked fantastic in their costumes! The children loved it when the Y4s came to read to them. They said the Y4s were kind and told the stories well. It was nice for some of us to spend time with our siblings. 
I would also like to thank you all for your continued support. Our stay and read was a huge success and the children love sharing their learning with you and I'm sure you like to see what they get up to too. 
Over the next two weeks we will be looking at signs of spring and preparing for Easter. 
18th - 29th March 
Nursery has been springing into Easter for the past two weeks. The children have been spotting signs of Spring like blossom, seedlings and daffodils and were excited when we spotted these things on our Ranger Hamza Spring walk. The children had a go at sketching and painting daffodils from our own garden. 
We had a sneaky peek at the chicks in Reception and we even saw one hatch!
We also played a game where we had to dress appropriately for the seasons and had fun trying to guess which weather our friends were dressed for. 
Nursery have also been learning about Easter and why Christians celebrate it. We have talked about how the Easter egg means 'new life' and related it to the chicks hatching in Reception. 
Finally, we had some Year 3 visitors in to talk to us about how to stay safe on the road. Nursery listened very well and copied the actions the Year 3s taught them.
We have had a very busy but quick half term and we would like to wish you all a very happy Easter!