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Autumn 2022

Reception News

23rd December 2022

We have had a very busy and exciting two weeks in Reception full of Christmas activities. Although we did have a huge mystery… Letters with our names on were scattered next to our post box in the classroom. Mrs Cook was very confused at how they had got there. We checked the school cameras to see if we could find out how they got there…You will never believe what we found. Santa was in our classroom! When we looked inside the envelopes, we all had a card from Santa telling us that he had received our letters that we posted. We were very excited!

We have thoroughly enjoyed exploring in our Santa’s Workshop making toys, designing Christmas cards and wrapping presents. We have been learning about the Christmas Nativity story, we sequenced the story and used the Nativity scene in our small world area to act it out.

Mrs Cook, Mrs Pirie, Mr Hodgson and all of our Early Years staff were super proud of our Nursery and Reception children for their amazing Christmas Nativity show. The children have worked extremely hard over the last few weeks learning all of the songs and they were absolutely fantastic!

We had such fun at our Christmas party and enjoyed our yummy Christmas dinner!

Reception have had a fantastic first term.

Have a wonderful well-deserved rest and fabulous Christmas!

Reception News

9th December 2022

We have had another fun and busy two weeks in Reception. We have been reading and learning about the story of The Little Red Hen. We sequenced the parts of the story and then used our fantastic phonics knowledge to do some writing. At the end of the story the Little Red Hen asked who would help eat the bread…


We used our fine motor skills to spread butter and jam on bread and then ate it just like the Little Red Hen did in the story.

In Art, we had great fun making child-led collages using mixed media. The children had great imagination and created some brilliant collages.

In RE, we are exploring the question ‘Why is Christmas special for Christians?’. We have been learning about The Nativity story and have enjoyed using the Nativity Scene in our class. Nursery and Reception are well underway with rehearsals for our EYFS Nativity on Monday 19th December! 

Talking about Christmas…

We are well into the Christmas spirit in Reception. It started with a little visitor that arrived in our classroom. The children are super excited each day to see what our elf has been up to.

We have thoroughly enjoyed exploring in our Santa’s Workshop making toys, designing Christmas cards and wrapping presents. In our small world area, we have had great fun playing with the Christmas toys and Nativity scene.

We all had a fantastic time watching the Pantomime Aladdin. We also enjoyed our Christmas jumper day and Christmas film night!

Roll on the next two weeks of Christmas fun and excitement!

Reception News

25th November 2022

What a busy two weeks we have had in Reception! We have been reading and learning about ‘The Gingerbread Man’ story. We started our learning by sequencing and retelling the story. We then thought about the different animal characters in the story. We drew a picture of the different characters and used our fantastic phonics knowledge to do some writing. The Gingerbread Man gets eaten by a fox in the story so we came up with some different ways of how the Gingerbread Man could cross the river safely. We used different materials to make our own bridge and then tested it out to see which material was the strongest! We then did an experiment, we looked in our classroom at different items and put them in water to see if they would float or sink and which would be best to make a boat. The children came up with some fantastic ideas so we put some gingerbread men in the boats and into the water to see if the boat was safe.

On Tuesday, we were busy in our classroom when we saw something outside… It was the Gingerbread Man running around our yard with a basket! We were super excited and went outside to investigate. The basket was full of ingredients and a letter asking us to make some of our own gingerbread men but there was a problem… The instructions of how to make them were not there. We worked together to write the instructions. We then followed the instructions to make our very own gingerbread. It was so much fun!

In maths, we have been learning about 2D shapes. We sorted the different shapes into the correct category. We also have been learning about an artist called Wassily Kandinsky who uses 2D shapes such as triangles and circles to create art. We then made our own shape art inspired by Kandinsky.

Another activity which we have really enjoyed has been looking through the Argos catalogue and making a list for Santa! Mrs Cook put all of our letters into an envelope and we went to the big post box and posted our letters to the North Pole for Santa!

Reception News

11th November 2022

Thank you very much to the families that came to our Reception Harvest Stay and Play morning. We had a fantastic morning singing our Harvest songs and doing lots of different activities in our class.

We had a fantastic time at our Halloween disco. We danced, played party games and had some food.

We have been learning all about Bonfire Night. We talked about how to keep ourselves safe on Bonfire Night, watched some videos of fireworks and talked about the sounds that they make. We then drew a picture of what we thought fireworks look like and wrote the different sounds that they make such as pop, bang and fizz, using our fantastic phonics knowledge!

This week we have started a new topic called ‘Tell Me a Story’. We will be reading and learning about a range of different stories over the coming weeks. Our first story is Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We sequenced the story and Mrs Cook recorded us retelling the story. On Tuesday, when we got back from phonics, there was a letter telling us to go to the hall. The letter was from daddy bear and it said that he left us some porridge to try. In the letter it asked us to write a description of the porridge. We did some fantastic writing!

Linking to the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears we have also been looking at the cottage where the bears live. We have been comparing the bears cottage to houses from the past and houses in the present. We drew a picture of what our home looks like.

Well done to our Reception superstars for all of their hard work! 

Reception News

21st October 2022

We have had a busy time in Reception over the last two weeks. In Literacy, we have been reading and learning about the story ‘Supertato’ by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet. The evil pea character in the story gets up to all sorts of mischief. He has even been causing mischief in our classroom when we have not been at school. We created wanted posters and painted pictures of the evil pea to see if we could catch him.   

In maths, we have continued our learning on subitising, composition and comparison. Mrs Cook is super impressed with the maths work that has been happening in Reception!

An activity that we have really enjoyed was looking at photographs of ourselves from when we were babies. We played a game where we had to look at each photo and match them up with the person each baby has grown into. We then took it in turns to talk about any memories that we could remember from when we were little.

We have been learning about a special celebration called Diwali. Diwali is the festival of lights and many rituals and traditions in the event include light so we made our own paper plate lamp craft. We have also been doing Rangoli patterns and hand art crafts.

We have also been learning about harvest. We talked about how harvest festival is a celebration of the food grown on the land and looked together at some different pictures that link to harvest.

We had a great time exploring in our new library. We looked through the different books and chose one to share at home. We then listened to a story and had a biscuit… mmmm!

Reception News
7th October 2022
Reception have been working super hard over the past two weeks. We have been reading and learning about the story of The Colour Monster. One day, Colour Monster wakes up feeling very confused. His emotions are all over the place; he feels angry, happy, calm, sad and scared all at once! To help him, a little girl shows him what each feeling means through colour. In Reception, we have been learning about our emotions and we have been referring them to the colours of the Colour Monster as well as using emotion stones. In circle time we talked about our emotions and how we are all unique. We looked at our self-portrait display and discussed our similarities and differences. We have also been talking about how we can help others when they feel sad, angry or scared. The children drew some fantastic pictures of what makes them happy and what makes them sad.

We have also been talking about what makes us feel special. We discussed as a class our families and fun experiences that we have had. We talked about who lives in our house including any pets and then the children drew a picture to represent this.

In maths we have been learning about subitising, counting, repeating patterns and composition of numbers.

In phonics we learn a new sound each day. So far, we have covered m a s d t i n p g o c k u b f e l h sh and r. This is the start of us learning to read. We blend sounds together to make words e.g. m-a-t mat, p-i-n pin, d-o-g dog, s-i-t sit. We are trying very hard with our blending and Fred Talk! 

We are enjoying learning about Autumn, we went on a walk in our school grounds to look for signs of Autumn.  Thank you to all of the children and parents for collecting Autumn treasures. We have thoroughly enjoyed exploring the items and making collages and observational drawings.

We have had great fun exploring in our outdoor environment. Especially on our new climbing frame and stage!


Reception News

23rd September 2022

The children have had an excellent start in Reception and we are so proud of how well they are all settling into school. We have had a fantastic time exploring our classroom environment as well as spending time getting to know our friends and learning about the rules and routines of Reception.

This half- term our topic is ‘Superhero, Super Me!’ which we will be linking to our learning across the curriculum. This week, we have been celebrating the similarities and differences between children in our class and we have talked about how we are all unique. We looked carefully at ourselves in the mirror and discussed our features before painting self-portraits for our class display.

Mrs Cook is super impressed with Reception for their amazing effort in phonics! We have been learning lots of new sounds and writing them in our phonics books. We have also enjoyed sharing storybooks with our friends in front of the pretend fire and in our tipi!