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School Council

Ellington Primary School - School Council - 2024/2025


What is the school council?

We are a group of children from Year 1 to Year 6 who are elected by their class to work with Mr Hodgson so that we make Ellington Primary School the safest, happiest and most successful school it can be!


When do we meet?

We meet every 2 weeks but we often have additional meetings with our class teachers to make sure we are on track with all our actions!


What do we do?

We get involved in all sorts of things but usually have a key focus. This year, our focus is on fund raising and creating as many opportunities as possible for parents to come into school. 


We are responsible for making sure all the ideas from our class are heard and listened to and good suggestions are acted upon. To do this we take notes and minutes in the school council meeting and feedback to our classes after the meeting.


Who are we?

The following children have been elected for the School Council by their classmates:

Year 1: Estee and Lenny

Year 2: Jack E and Poppy Mc

Year 3: William and Leah

Year 4: Willow and James

Year 5: Poppy and Craig 

Year 6: Seb and Marnja

Actions 2023/2024:
  • New Packed Lunch Policy - Creating healthier lunches, reducing waste and recycling more! 
  • New Reading areas - each class took part in a competition to design new reading areas in their classrooms. The School Council judged these and awarded Year 5/6 the winner!
  • Active Playtimes - we came up with ideas for equipment to support active play. 
  • Extra-curricular clubs - We have taken votes from class mates to decide which clubs we have on offer.
  • Coffee Morning/Bake Sale - We raised over £300 for Save the Children through a coffee morning and bake sale where we ran stalls for parents/carers and pupils.
  • Promoting Recycling - We worked alongside our Eco-Council to run a 'design a bin' competition to promote recycling in school. 
  • Easter tombola - we supported our classes with the Easter tombola, raising funds for our school PTA. 
Visit to the Houses of Parliament 2024!
We made another trip to the Houses of Parliament on October 1st 2024.
This time we took 24 children along with Mr Hodgson, Mrs Horsley, Mrs Mallaburn, Mr Robinson and Mr Nelson (Chair of Governors) and Mrs Macleod (Parent Governor) and had another fantastic day in the capital. 
We set off from Morpeth train station at 7:13am, arriving in London around 10:30am. Despite the weather being awful, we enjoyed the London Eye with amazing views over rainy London. We again headed to McDonalds!
At Westminster we had a brilliant tour and this time we actually got to go into the House of Commons and the House of Lords! 
We got to see the magnificent Big Ben and 10 Downing Street before heading back to Kings Cross. 
Despite the train being delayed and not reaching Morpeth until 11:30pm, we had the best day!
School Council Visit to the Houses of Parliament! 
On February 28th 2023, our school council visited the House of Parliament in London! 
12 children along with Mr Hodgson, Mrs Sanders, Mrs Horsley and Mr Nelson (Chair of Governors) had a fantastic day in the capital. 
We set off from Morpeth train station at 7am, arriving in London around 10:30am. We then experienced the London Eye with amazing views of London. Of course we needed some lunch, so we had a quick stop at McDonalds before heading to Westminster. 
At Westminster we had a tour which involved actually watching debates taking place in the Houses of Commons and the Houses of Lords. We were also fortunate enough to meet our local MP, Anne Marie Trevelyan whilst taking part in our very own democratic workshop. 
We then visited the Cenotaph and Trafalgar Square before the train journey back to Northumberland. We arrived back after 10pm but had an incredible day!