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Performance Data

For the most recent school performance table as published by the Department for Education, please click here.

Early Years Foundation Stage - We have consistently achieved higher than national averages in Early Years. 
In 2022, 73% of children achieved a good level of development compared to 73% nationally. 
In 2023, 68% of children achieved a good level of development compared to 67% nationally. 
In 2024, 74% of children achieved a good level of development.
Key Stage One - Our results are significantly higher than national averages. 
In Reading, 85% of children achieved the expected standard in 2022 compared to 67% nationally. In 2023, 80% of children achieved the expected standard in 2023 compared to 69% nationally.
In 2024,  85% of children achieved the expected standard.
In Writing, 77% of children achieved the expected standard in 2022 compared to 58% nationally. In 2023, 77% of children achieved the expected standard in 2023 compared to 58% nationally. In 2024, 84% of children achieved the expected standard.
In Maths, 81% of children achieved the expected standard in 2022 compared to 68% nationally. In 2023, 83% of children achieved the expected standard in 2023 compared to 72% nationally. In 2024, 80% achieved the expected standard.
Achieving reading, writing and maths combined was 73% in 2022, 77% in 2023 and 81% in 2024.

Key Stage Two - Our results are significantly higher than national averages.

Attainment continues to rise due to outstanding teaching and learning across Ellington Primary School. 

Our End of Key Stage Two attainment showed further improvements in Writing, Reading, Maths and GPS despite the enormous periods of time that the children missed in school due to Covid-19 whilst in Years 2 and 3. Since converting to a primary school in 2016, these are the best set of results the school has achieved, bettering results in 2023.

76% of children met the expected standard in Reading, Writing, Maths and GPS with 10% reaching Greater Depth in all areas.

In 2023, Reading increased from 63% to 82%, a 19% rise with an increase in the number of greater depth children up to 32%. In 2024, this number has risen again to 86% achieving the expected standard and 31% achieving Greater Depth.

In 2023, Maths increased from 67% to 82%, a 15% rise and a monumental rise in Greater Depth from 7% to 32%. In 2024, 79% achieved the expected standard with 28% achieving Greater Depth.

In 2023, GPS increased from 66% to 82%, a 16% rise. Greater Depth also went from 23% to 36%. In 2024, attainment rose again with 90% of children at the expected standard and 59% achieving Greater Depth.

Writing has been an area for development for the school over the previous two years. In 2024, we obtained our best writing attainment since converting to a Primary School. 83% of children achieved the expected standard and 21% achieved Greater depth.