We have places available across school, including Nursery. Please contact us on 01670 860769


Special Educational Needs Coordinator

Mrs Morris can be contacted directly by email or by school telephone: 01670 860769

To download an information report concerning SEND provision and resources at Ellington Primary School, please follow the link below. 
Useful links/downloads
There are Autism Family Drop In Sessions available in our area in the Autumn term. See the link below for more details. There is also a leaflet to explain more about the drop in sessions.
There is a monthly social group for children with additional needs and disabilities available in Widdrington. See the link below for more detailed information. 
Our Individual School Offer

Ellington Primary School is a fully inclusive school and we are very proud of our provision for all groups of learners, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. We are committed to including all children in all aspects of school life and believe that all children, regardless of their ability and behaviour are valued equally.

Children with special educational needs and disabilities are not viewed separately, but are part of the whole school approach, where children’s needs are recognised and met through varied and flexible provision. The school provides a high standard of teaching and learning and we aim to ensure that all children access a rich and diverse curriculum to enable them to make the best possible progress in school and to develop the individual learning and skills that they will need for life, both within the school and in the wider community.

We aim to provide a safe, happy and supportive environment where children thrive in all aspects of their learning and we believe that the most effective learning takes place when the children are confident, their self-esteem is high and they are happy in their learning.

Our governor with responsibility for SEND is Mr Roberts. 

To read the Northumberland County Council information on the SEND Local Offer, please visit the websites linked below.