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Pupil Voice

At Ellington, we truly value Pupil Voice. We have a wide range of groups who lead this across the school in a variety of contexts. We have our School Council, Eco Council, Sports Leaders, WOW Walk to School Ambassadors and our Year 6 Prefects. 
However, we want to hear all children's voices. In October 2023, each class in school completed safeguarding questionnaires. The results showed: 
100% of children feel safe when at school. 97% all of the time, 3% most of the time.

100% of children feel that Ellington Primary School encourages them to look after their physical health. 96% all of the time, 4% most of the time.

100% of children feel that they have someone to talk to in school. 94% all of the time, 6% most of the time.

100% of children feel safe from Bullying at Ellington Primary School. 94% all of the time, 6% most of the time.

94% of children think bullying is NEVER a problem in school, 6% think it is almost never a problem.

100% of children know how to stay safe online.

100% of children know the behaviours expected of them and the consequences if not followed.

78% of pupils believe that other pupils behave in ways that are safe for themselves and others. 21% believe this happens most of the time and 1% believe this happens some of the time.