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French Overview
At Ellington Primary School, we understand the importance of studying a modern foreign language for our pupils to enhance their literacy skills, confidence and cultural understanding. Our aim is to embed a love of language learning within our curriculum in line with the statutory requirement to give every Key Stage 2 pupil the opportunity to access and learn a new language. 
Please find below our key curriculum documents:
French Learning Journey
At Ellington Primary School we have identified a number of historical gaps in the teaching and learning of French. In order to fill these gaps, we have decided to follow the Language Angels scheme of work that is planned for pupils with limited French experience. For this reason, units may appear more than once in different year groups. This is because pupils will need to complete particular units in a teaching type before moving on to ensure the best coverage of the curriculum. Pupils cannot jump straight into the Progressive units (for example) without previously having completed a selection of Early Language and Intermediate units. Pupils must complete a selection of Early Language and Intermediate units when first being exposed to the Language Angels scheme. With that in mind, our learning journey has been specifically designed and adapted to create an accelerated programme to ensure all pupils at Ellington Primary are given a tailored French curriculum which provides the maximum opportunity to progress. While units of work will appear more than once in different year groups, no pupils will encounter the same unit twice.
The learning journey below is intended to be used for one year only (academic year 2023-24) where it will then be reviewed as pupils progress with their French knowledge and understanding. An example of the French learning journey for the academic year 2024-25 can also be found below:
French at Ellington
French is taught in a whole class setting by the class teacher and is therefore not reliant on one key member of staff.
Teachers plan their lessons using the Language Angels scheme of work and can supplement this with their own ideas and experience and those of their colleagues.
The lessons are designed to motivate, captivate and interest children from the first moment. They have clear, achievable objectives and incorporate different learning styles. SEN children have access to the  curriculum through variation of task, grouping or support from an adult.

Each class has a timetabled lesson of forty minutes per week French can also be revisited in short sessions throughout the week to consolidate knowledge and ensure new language is retained.

French lessons include:
  • PowerPoints and interactive whiteboard materials 
  • Interactive games (which pupils can access from home to consolidate their learning) 
  • Songs & raps
  • Differentiated desk-based consolidation activities
  • Worksheets (at three different levels of challenge) are provided throughout each teaching unit and can be used in class or can be sent home to be completed as a homework exercise
Each lesson will focus on a combination of the 5 key language l earning skills ( listening, reading,
writing and grammar).
At Ellington Primary we aim to create a culture where conversational French is spoken by all at every opportunity including break and lunch times, during registration and in passing when moving around school. Children will also be offered the chance to participate in a French extra curricular activity club to revise and expand their existing knowledge. We really hope to foster a love of learning a second language which will drive our children’s aspirations to become lifelong language learners in line with our curriculum driver. The learning experiences we aim to provide children both in and out of class, guarantee that languages are celebrated and multiculturalism is championed throughout our school community.
National Curriculum
The teaching of French at Ellington is underpinned by the requirements of the National Curriculum. The National Curriculum for Modern Foreign Languages can be found here:
French Showcase