We have places available across school, including Nursery. Please contact us on 01670 860769

Mission Statement

At Ellington Primary School we believe that every child has the ability to excel in almost any area of learning. Excellence isn’t the result of a natural talent, but instead is the result of: extensive opportunity, skilled teaching, focussed practise and personal determination. Everything we do as a school is done with this vision in mind.


Our Values are the attributes that underpin our vision: 


Honesty – being fair and truthful at all times.

Respect – for yourself, your family and your community.

Pride – in everything you do; aspiring to be the best version of you.

Resilience – recovering from difficulties, attempting things that will be hard and challenging.

Teamwork – working successfully with others.

Happiness – enjoying school and embracing life.



Our Strategic Goals:


Between 2022-2025, our Ellington Curriculum is designed to ensure:


1. Children’s progress from their starting points, in Reading at the end of Key Stage 2 is in the top 10% nationally.

2. Children’s progress from their starting points, in English and Maths at the end of Key Stage 2 is in the top 10% nationally. 

2. The skills and knowledge our children will need to succeed in their future lives are embedded.

3. Children will be taught healthy attitudes to relationships and their physical & mental health.

4. Children will have a love of learning, they will know their strengths and learn from their mistakes.


Our Aims for all pupils. They are what we want for every child, every day:


We build champions by ensuring that every child:


1. Knows how to stay safe, healthy, happy and make sensible choices.

2. Has respect for themselves, the environment and their communities.

3. Is a resilient, brave and inquisitive learner.

4. Gives their very best effort in all that they do.

5. Aspires to be their 'best self'.


Where does our mission, vision and ethos come from?


Our vision, ethos, values and aims were formulated by all our stakeholders; parents, children, staff and governors.