15th March 2024
What a fantastic fortnight we have had in Year 1. The highlight of last week was our trip to the Discovery museum. The children were impeccably behaved and listened well to all instructions. Our time at the museum consisted of exploring the Science Maze before dinner and looking at the modes of transport from the past (Steam trains, Penny Farthing etc.). After dinner we took a trip back in time and started our search for old toys. We saw a range of different artefacts and the children had a few artefacts to find and draw on our walk back through History.
This week’s highlight has been the performance of ‘The Selfish Giant’. Aria was chosen from our class to do some acting whilst the rest of the school learnt songs to join in with the performance. They thoroughly enjoyed the show and could retell important parts back in the classroom.
In History, we are learning about ‘How toys have changed’. If you have any pictures of your favourite toy or if any grandparents have any pictures then we would really appreciate them being sent in to help with our topic.
In PE, we are working on our teamwork skills through teambuilding. The children have had to think hard about how to communicate in a team and what strategies they would use to be successful in each task.
This week in RE, we have learnt about Hanukkah and why it is called ‘The Festival of Light’. The children recreated a short performance of how the Jewish temple was destroyed and how the Maccabees came to save the day. Brilliant retell Year 1!
You have had a great start to Spring 2 term and you should be impressed with how much you have achieved. Keep up the hard work!
Thank you,
Mrs Horsley
9th February 2024
This week year 1 have been very busy investigating different materials. We set up and carried out an investigation to see which material would be best to make a pair of curtains. We used fabulous scientific vocabulary. Ask your child all about transparent and opaque materials.
In PSHE we have been learning how to stay safe. For internet safety day we read the story Mo and Jaz. We held a discussion on how they felt when a new video opened and they didn’t like it. The message was; Stop, Close it, Tell a grown up. We have also been learning how to recognise trusted and safe adults in and out of school.
In DT, we have completed our puppets that we planned and designed. A lot of work has gone into these puppets with the children and Mrs Redpath. The children needed to use their independent thinking and resilience to complete their puppets.
Today, we have finished the week with a great movement festival and Dress to Express day. We loved our workshop and learned a fabulous dance. Great job Year 1.
Thank you,
Mrs Horsley
26th January 2024
The first three weeks of this half term have flown over. It is hard to believe that we are nearly half way through the school year.
We have started our new unit of work in English, ‘Room on the Broom’ by Julia Donaldson. The children are really enjoying this book and have so far written fantastic character descriptions for the witch using brilliant adjectives to describe the nouns. Some children even managed to include a simile! WOW Year 1.
In Maths, we have been using number lines to help us work out addition and subtraction equations. The children have had to concentrate hard and read each equation correctly to ensure they are counting on the number line the correct way. We have even been solving some written word problems. Great job!
We have nearly finished our science topic of materials and I must say how impressed I have been with the children’s enthusiasm and investigation skills. We have been looking at freezing and melting, floating and sinking and carried out an investigation to see which materials absorb water.
We have had a great start to the term and the children are all ready and raring to learn which is wonderful.
Thank you,
Mrs Horsley
28th March 2024
What a quick half term it has been! The children have worked so very hard this half term and the progress they are achieving is wonderful.
We have been extremely lucky to have Miss Leckie join Year One as a student teacher and the children have been so welcoming and engaged during her placement. She will be a real miss in class.
In English, the children have been working hard on building up their skills in order to write a postcard from the Jolly Postman. We have looked at the features of a post card, sentence structures and how to use exclamation marks. What super postcards Year 1!
In Science we have been learning all about the different animal groups; birds, amphibians, mammals etc. We have been able to categorise the different animals based on their features.
In PSHE, we have looked at dangers that might occur in and around the home. We came up with some sensible solutions on how to keep a house safe. Please ask you children about this.
Today, we have had a brilliant Easter egg hunt. The children loved searching for the eggs around the school grounds. We were so fantastic, that the Easter bunny left a chocolate treat for us to have in school. How yummy!
Myself and Mrs Strachan would like to wish you all a Happy Easter. Have a brilliant 2 weeks off school. Fingers crossed that the weather improves.