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Summer 2024

Class Heroes 2023
We have chosen 7 individuals who we believe reflect our school values of respect, teamwork, happiness, pride, honesty and resilience.
Each class has been assigned a hero and the children will be finding out about them throughout the year. We will explore ways in which our hero has demonstrated our values, their achievements and legacies. Watch this space for updates. 
In Year 5, our hero is Nimal Purja. You can see all of the class heroes on the poster below and our special poster about Nim. 

Year 5 News 12.07.24

Sports Day was a huge success again this year; thank you to everyone who spectated and cheered the children on, they all had a wonderful day!

We enjoyed exploring our new orienteering program that has been set up in school, where we combined our academic quiz knowledge with our map reading and teamwork skills! (We enjoyed our ice-pops the most!)

The children had an amazing time with Mrs Sanders for their ‘move-up day’ where they got a little insight into what life will be like in year 6 next year. They also explored Banksy’s extravagant talents including spray painting graffiti.

In English, we are focusing on the book Yusra Swims by Julie Abery which explores the extraordinary story of a young refugee. We are writing to discuss where the children are preparing their balanced argument as to whether the Yusra Swimmers should use their platform to raise awareness of the refugee plight.

A special shout out this week to Travis Burt who got a special mention for his u11 side.

Thank you for a fantastic time together year 5, I will miss you all!

Mr Todd         

Year 5 News 28.06.24

This week we enjoyed a special visit from Andrew Brooks, who is the Health, Safety and Environment Manager for Advance Northumberland. Andrew gave a presentation to the children to inform them about health and safety on construction sites and explained the different professions that work together on the site here in Ellington. We were then invited to spend an afternoon at the construction site where we wore hard hats, safety goggles and brightly coloured vests in order to be able to access the site. The children had chats with various workers and even got a chance to explore the lovely show homes!

We have been working hard this week when completing our NFER assessments for reading, writing and maths! This is a wonderful opportunity for the children to show off their knowledge that the have learnt in year 5.

A special shout out this week to our three year 5 boys who joined together with seven year 6 children to compete in the County Finals for Athletics.  The children did exceptionally well, securing bronze!

Well done on another brilliant week!

Mr Todd                

Year 5 News 24.05.24

We’ve had a busy week leading up to the May half term holidays. The children thoroughly enjoyed their computing morning with Mr Bailey where they worked hard to explore selection whilst designing and coding a quiz on Scratch. Out design and technology day this half term was based on our Cooking and Nutrition unit where the children had to describe the process of beef production, research a traditional recipe and make changes to it, add nutritional value to a recipe by selecting ingredients and prepare and cook a selected meal.

In English, have produced an impressive first-person narrative based on the Literacy Shed video ‘Road’s End’. We have worked hard to incorporate direct and indirect speech into our story to show the persistent questions prompted by the driver of the vehicle. The children also used their grammar knowledge to use simile starters, relative clauses and a variety of complex sentences within their writing.

In maths, we have recapping converting units such as grams, kilograms, millimetres, centimetres and meters. We then used coin cards to calculate conversions between metric and imperial units of distance and weight. Most recently, the children have been developing their problem- solving skills in the context of money.

Another excellent week in year 5, keep up the hard work everyone!

Mr Todd

Year 5 News 10.05.24

We’ve had a busy start to the summer term and picked up where we left off before the Easter holidays. We are proud to have introduced the Daily Mile into our school day where we encourage the children to adopt an active, healthy lifestyle. Year 5 are enjoying their time on the grass field to complete the run, where we aim to show resilience, determination and pride. 

In English, wrote a fabulous character description about the antagonist of The Nowhere Emporium, the spiteful magician, Vindictus Sharpe. The children applied their knowledge of multi-clause sentences using subordinating conjunctions and relative pronouns in order to create a detailed description of the character. We recently have started planning our first-person narrative based on the Literacy Shed video ‘Road’s End’.

In maths, we began the half term by recapping our column method work where did 5-dgits add 5-digits, 4-digits subtract 4-digit, 4-digits multiply by 1-digit numbers and 4-digits divided by 1-digit numbers with remainders involved. We then progressed onto our fraction unit where we have worked hard this term to understand the link between fractions, percentages and decimals. The children have been converting improper fractions to mixed numbers to simplifying ordering and calculating them.  

Another excellent week in year 5, keep up the hard work everyone!

Mr Todd