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Autumn 2023

14th December 
The biggest news by far this fortnight had to be Elsa freezing Nursery!! Nursery were so surprised to see their classroom turned to ice and snow! 'What happened?' they wondered. The children had to go on a snowflake hunt to find it and it led them to Mr Hodgson's office. Well it turns out Elsa had forgotten her snow crown after a meeting with Mr Hodgson! The children then had fun exploring the icy land of Nursery before Elsa herself made an appearance to collect her forgotten crown. The Nursery children were so excited to see Elsa and all wanted to talk to her about what she had done. We then had a Let it Go sing along with Elsa before bidding her farewell. A big thank you to all of the staff members who helped freeze Nursery as well as a huge thanks to Miss Brooks who made the day even more magical by transforming into Elsa. 
We've also been baking scones for the bake sale, enjoyed Christmas jumper day, loved watching the pantomime 'Cinderella' and we've been practising our Christmas Play lots too. 
Super stars Nursery!
30th November 
Nursery have had a busy fortnight.

We have been learning some more about our class hero ‘Ranger Hamza’. We discovered he was a wildlife photographer so we had a go at taking our own wildlife photos with the I-pad. We found things that interested us and took some photos. We had to be very still so they weren’t too shaky.

We’ve also been learning lots about Oral Health and the role of a Dentist. We discussed why it was important to look after our teeth! The children were really knowledgeable about what was healthy/unhealthy for our teeth! We then explored what decay looks like and why this might happen. We learnt about the role of a dentist and enjoyed pretending to be one in the role-play area. On career’s day, we listened, via video link, to Zoe the Dental Hygienist who told us about her job. We learnt that she had to go to a big school called university to learn more about teeth before she could do her job. She told us how to keep our teeth healthy. Please see the poster below.

The children have also been doing some fantastic number work. We had some lovely discussion about how we knew it was the number 1 or 2. We are beginning to look at a five frame to help us support our maths knowledge.

‘Look 1 space is filled, there’s four more to make 5.’

‘There’s 2 spaces and 3 spaces empty.’


We have also been practising our Christmas Performance which we are all excited to show you on the 13th December.


15th November

What a start to Nursery, Mrs Milne has had! The children have been very welcoming and made me feel at home straight away.

 Our Topic this half term is ‘Sparkle and Shine’ which we will cover in our mini topics:


*Light and Dark

*It’s Christmas!!


In our first week, we talked about our experiences with Bonfire night and compared it to the Hindu festival of Diwali. The children showed good listening skills when we were learning facts about the Festival of lights.

In Expressive Arts and Design, we used a new material to create clay Diva lamps. The children used their finger muscles to shape their lamps and decorated them using cotton buds. We hope you like your finished products.

This week, we introduced our key story ‘Owl Babies’. The children explored how the owl babies felt during the different parts of the story. They were able to talk about how we could care for the Owlets. The children thought they’d like a cosy nest so we built one! The next day, to our surprise, Mummy Owl had gone missing. We created missing posters to help find her. We played a listening game to find her in the garden, if the sound was louder we knew we were close to her.

The children have enjoyed exploring the guttering outside within the water area and thinking of new ways to create water paths. They even worked as a team to create their own car washing service.

 Fantastic job Nursery!

13th October 2023 

These last two weeks have been a breeze-literally. We have been learning all about Autumn and the changes that happen around us. We have practised being more independent as we dress ourselves for the colder weather and enjoying exploring the outdoors, inspired by Ranger Hamza. We visited our very own Wildlife garden, and found lots of Autumn treasures there. We used our STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) skills to make obstacle courses for our acorns, conkers, and fir cones. How high could we build it? How far could they roll? 

Some of our treasures got trapped under an enormous spider web and we had to use tweezers to rescue them - without touching the web. We made our other Autumn treasures into a frozen mountain-and then spent the next morning rescuing them. We got busy collecting those fallen leaves, and used the things we found in our mud garden, to make nature art. We also made our own autumn leaf kites and made the most of those windy days. 

We found out about some of the animals that get busy in Autumn-we made a cosy nest bed for the hedgehog and absolutely LOVED making our very own mud hedgehogs! Oh, and we should always remember to clean up after ourselves.
15th September 2023
The nursery children have had a busy and exciting start to the new term. We are very impressed with the children and how well they have settled. The children have had a fantastic time exploring our new classroom environment, both indoors and outdoors. We have had great fun outdoors where the children have shown fantastic gross motor skills on the bikes and trikes. A very popular area is our outdoor mud kitchen where the children have enjoyed using the pots, pans and utensils to make mud pies.


We have been spending time getting to know our friends and learning about the rules and routines of nursery. We have also been learning all about our feelings and emotions linking to our whole school approach ‘The Zones of Regulation’ which uses four colours to help children self-identify how they are feeling. We talked about how we can help ourselves and others when we feel sad, angry or scared as well as what makes us feel happy.


This week in nursery we have been learning all about ourselves. We have been celebrating the similarities and differences between children in our class and we have talked about how we are all unique. We looked carefully at ourselves in the mirror and discussed our features before painting self-portraits for our class display. We also made some funny face biscuits.